Ready, set, FLY! - New Kuma Design Butterfly Brooches

A New Butterfly Brooch Range

Jaunas KUMA taurinas are here and ready to fly with you through the new season!

This time the collection of butterfly brooches has two storylines - one that takes you through the forests and fields of Estonia and another one that takes you to a fantasy land of mystical creatures and marble castles✨

The new butterfly brooch collection was born in co-operation with three different artists who each inspire us in their own unique way – Ulla Liinold, Kerti Pahk and Karel Eding.

Each hair brooch carries a name of a character that best represents the essence of the butterfly as well as the possessor. Find the butterfly that speaks to your soul and tells your story through symbols!

Spirituality taurina piespraude

Spirituality Butterfly Brooch worn by a model with a blue jumper.

Šī piespraude ir tiem mirkļiem, kad jūties pazudusi un nezini atbildes uz visiem jautājumiem, kurus dzīve tev uzdod. Tā varbūt ne vienmēr tev pateiks priekšā pareizo atbildi, tomēr tā aizvedīs pareizajā virzienā. Lai arī trausla un ziedoša, tā nes sevī senu viedumu.

Creativity taurina piespraude

Creativity Butterfly Brooch worn by a model with a grey and pink jumper.

Some people (just like some butterflies) were born to create- they speak through colours, music and patterns. The world is their canvas and they make sure to cover every white spot with their creation. She only needs to spread her wings and off she goes to create the life of her dreams.

Transformation piespraude

Transformation Butterfly Brooch worn by a model.

Just like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the Transformation Butterfly Brooch symbolizes change and new beginnings. It reminds us to take a leap of faith, dive into the unknown and rise stronger than ever before.

Good Luck tauriņa piespraude

Good Luck butterfly brooch pinned to a white shirt.

Inspired by the four-leaf clover, this butterfly will bring luck to the possessor. She flies over the rainbow and is always on the hunt for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but she never misses an opportunity to bring good luck and prosperity to everyone she meets along the road.

Freedom taurina piespraude

Freedom butterfly brooch worn on a white short-sleeved blouse.

Brīnišķīgā tauriņu piespraude "Freedom" tika radīta, lai svinētu Igaunijas Republikas 100. dzimšanas dienu. Tā zina brīvības cenu un tāpēc novērtē katru saullēktu un saulrietu, kur tā var lidot, kurp vien tīk. Nacionālā Igaunijas simbola - zilās rudzupuķes - iedvesmota. 

Kindness Butterfly Brooch

Kindness Butterfly Brooch worn on a cardigan.

Like a blue-eyed girl from the Estonian countryside - this butterfly symbolizes innocence and kindness. She will be the first one to run through the grain fields and the last one to fly back to her nest. Always laughing and smiling – she carries the sweet memories of the summer in her heart.

Protection Butterfly Brooch

Protection butterfly brooch pinned to a white shirt.

We all seek safety and comfort once the crisp autumn winds arrive. In the midst of the autumn leaves and feels you spot a fiery beauty, who reminds you that no matter how cold and long the months ahead will be – you will always be protected by the fire in your soul. 

Queen of Emerald - Prosperity Butterfly Brooch

Queen of the Emerald - Prosperity Butterfly Brooch


Prosperity skaistā piespraude simbolizē visu, kas ir turīgs un bagāts. Ne tikai materiālā nozīmē, bet visos dzīves aspektos - ģimenē, darbā un hobijos.

Kad jūties noguris, uztraucies vai nomākts, vienkārši paturi rokā kaklarotu, un tā tev dos spēku turpināt iesākto.

Now the question remains…which one of the new beauties best describes you?