Lõpetamiste hooaeg on alanud ja pärast mitmeid kuid koolipingi nühkimist on lõpuks käes aeg oma lõpuaktusel särada ja tehtud töö vilju nautida. Tähista seda imeilusat päeva koos KUMA tiibadega ning lenda oma tulevikule ja unistustele vastu stiilselt! Täna jagame Sinuga üheksa erinevat võimalust, kuidas eristuda lõpuaktusel massist KUMA aksessuaaridega ning olla kindel, et kellelgi teisel ei ole täpselt samasugust outfit’i!
Lisage KUMA liblikaprossi to your dress and you don’t have to worry, that someone will have the exact same outfit as you, because no one can have your taste of style!

See silmapilk tõestab, et oled teinud tõeliselt head tööd kingituse valikul! mini butterfly brooches are perfect for flying in pairs!

Pluuse ja seelik
Kui Sul on raskusi “selle õige” kleidi leidmisel, siis pea meeles, et kleit ei ole ainuke pidulik riietusese. Stiilne pluus ja seelik või püksid võivad samuti tõelised pilgupüüdjad olla, eriti kui lisad värve ja mängulisust mõne KUMA aksessuaariga! Väike nipp - vali üks kindel fookuspunkt oma outfit’il (vöö, kaelus, vms.) ja kinnita just sinna KUMA tiivad!

We at KUMA believe that every girl has a little Carry Bradshaw in them! Carry was known for giving her outfits her own unique touch. Bring the Bradshaw in you out by giving your shoes some wings to fly with you through your big day!

Whether it’s a simple blowout or a glamorous up-do, there is always room for a butterfly to nest in your hair and draw some attention to your hairstyle!

Kui Su riietus on juba viimse detailini lihvitud, siis on aeg mõelda ülejäänud aksessuaaridele paar KUMA kõrvarõngaid
to catch some spotlight?


...or why not wear the wristband around your neck as a choker and rock a true statement piece?

Juhul kui Sa kardad, et tähtis päev võib jalad värisema panna, siis ümbritse ennast vaid positiivsete energiatega our energy necklaces are here to help. In addition to bringing calming and supporting energies to your day, they are also a simple and elegant addition to every outfit!

Disaini ise liblikas!
If you already have the right spot for a KUMA butterfly, but you are having trouble finding the right one from our collections, then it’s time to be the designer yourself and create exactly the right kind of butterfly, that will match with your graduation outfit! Say hello to our new personalisation tool , mis sobitub Sinu lõpetamise outfitiga!

When all the details have fallen to place, then it’s time to enjoy your graduation day and celebrate with your friends and family. Of course, you will be the star of the day, but don’t forget the ones, who helped you along the road. If you have a sweet friend or a teacher, who has been by your side on your road to education, then don’t forget about them and show them, how much they mean to you. Our gift sets are already beautifully packaged and ready for easy gifting, so all you have to do, is to choose the right one!