ELURING kollektsioon -24% kuni 19.01

Meie lugu

"Minu nimi on Mari Ojasaar ja ma olen olnud vabakutseline kunstnik juba üle kümne aasta. Lisaks kunstnikule olen ma ka ema, käsitöömeister ja armunud sellesse maagilisse teekonda, nimega Elu!

Oma kire kunsti ja loomingu vastu avastasin ma juba lapsena, kui jälgisin kuidas mu ema tegi käsitsi imekauneid nahast aksessuaare, et tuua leib lauale. Olles kord juba kunstipisiku saanud, hakkasin ma eksperimenteerima kõigega, millele sain vähegi oma kunstnikukäega lisandväärtust anda. Minu elu on kunst ja kunst on mu elu! Olen otsustanud olla hääl, mitte kaja.

Tänapäeva moetööstus on keskendunud põhiliselt massile ja mitte sellele, et rõhutada meie unikaalsust. Kunstnikuna on minu ülesanne alati teha millestki, mis on tavaline, midagi ebatavalist ja erilist. Sestap võtsin ma endale eesmärgiks luua midagi, mis on küll praktline, valmistatud käsitööna ning peaks vastu ka aja karmile hammasrattale.

Our Values: We stand for PEACE

Positivity -  With every KUMA gift we want to bring more positivity into the world. A heartwarming smile, a giggle or a kiss is what you will receive, when your loved one opens a KUMA Gift. Together we are changing the world, one smile at a time!

Energy - We believe that everything has energy and therefore we put a lot of effort into how, where and by whom our products are made. In addition to beauty we want our products to be charged with positive energy that will bring good vibes to the possessor. Our team of craftsmen value quality and precision just like we do, but most importantly - they love what they do and that is the positive energy that all KUMA products carry.

Authenticity – We value authenticity in ourselves and in our customers. Therefore, we are always truthful to our customers, own all our designs and ideas and believe that by being authentic our gifts inspire you to be who you truly are!

Community - We know that together we are stronger and can fly higher! Therefore, we help out whenever we can. We give back to the community by donating 5% of all our web sales to different charities each quarter. Since giving back is a vital part of our brand strategy, we are always open to new collaboration opportunities.

Environment -  We aspire to help modern day women to reconnect with mother nature by bringing nature to their everyday wardrobe in an environmentally friendly way. From materials to producing process, we make sure that we minimize the cost for the nature and invest in keeping our home planet safe and clean. We are animal lovers and all KUMA team members have a pet at home, so it goes without saying that all our products are cruelty free.