Laste t-särgid ja pusad

Iga laps teab, et õppimine mängides on lõbusam kui koolipingis istudes. KUMA uute  T(arkus)- särkidega on uute teadmiste omandamine lõbusam kui kunagi varem! Orgaanilisest puuvillast valmistatud ja lõbusate illustratsioonidega kaunistatud  T(arkus)- are T-shirts made of organic cotton, that are decorated with quirky designs that are not only playful but also educational! Fun illustrations will teach kids different lessons about nature and the world around them. All illustrations are made by the mother of two and the creator of KUMA Design Mari Ojasaar.

Soodus "Parimad Sõbrad" laste dressipluus

€25.00 €20.00