Gift Box
The product comes in a classy gift box, which makes it ideal for gifting or using it as a nest for the butterfly to keep it safe and sound!

Eluring kõrvarõngad / kullatud
See ümmargune ehe sümboliseerib elu ringi – kõikehaaravat ja igavest kulgemist, mis ühendab meid kõiki.
Ehtele lisatud pääsuke räägib õnnest ja rahust, väikestest hetkedest, mis loovad suuri tundeid. Pääsuke on midagi enamat kui lind – see on mälestus suvest, lapsepõlvest ja helgusest. See on rahutunne, mida tunned, kui vaatad taevasse ja näed pääsukesi lendamas. Pääsukese sädin ja tema õrn kohalolu on kui kutse märgata ilu enda ümber.
Selle hõbedast Mari Ojasaar-Parve autoriehtega saad endaga kaasas kanda nii rahutunnet kui ka õnne, mis tuleb lihtsate ja armsate hetkede väärtustamisest.
Disain: Mari Ojasaar-Parve, 3D prinditud Eestis
Materjal: 925 hõbe, kullatud
Diameeter: 3 cm
Kõrvarõngastega sobiva Eluring kaelakee leiad SIIT
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Within Estonia:
Domestic orders are shipped via Smarpost parcel service.
Average shipping time for all orders within Estonia is up to 3 working days. During holidays the shipping times may vary (please contact us if you have time sensitive requests).
All Estonian orders under 60 euros will be charged a €2.50 shipping fee. Orders over 60 euros are shipped FREE.
Non-European orders:
Non-EU orders are shipped in a secure envelope via Omniva mail service with tracking and delivery confirmation. Additional import, customs, and sales taxes may be added separately in accordance with your state or country's specific requirements.
All non-EU orders will be charged a standard €5.95 shipping fee.
Gift Box
The product comes in a classy gift box, which makes it ideal for gifting or using it as a nest for the butterfly to keep it safe and sound!