For Ukraine

At KUMA we believe in giving back, making the world a better place one good deed at a time. Even the smallest actions can change the world when added together.

That is why we have created a special range of products to help our friends in Ukraine. By purchasing our "Ukraina heaks" products,  we donate 50% of the sales to help the people in Ukraine.

We are grateful to announce that together with KUMA fans we  have made the following donations as of today:

Red Cross 4700 eur

Kyiv Children's Hospital through Tallinn Children's Hospital 2000 eur

Ukrainian Cultural Center 10 600 eur

United Delivery Mission MTÜ 1960 eur

TOTAL as of today 19260 eur

KUMA team is thankful for everyone who has helped to make this contribution. Without you we wouldn't have achieved so much!

Our charity project continues until there is those in need, so don't hesitate to give yourself and someone in need the wings to fly!

If You are asking yourself how else can I make a difference and help the people in Ukraine, then Portail has made a great overview of all the ways to contribute - https://portail.ee/kuidas-tana-toetada-ukrainat/




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