2=3 Helkivad Liblikad kuni 28.11

KUMA Brooch x KUMA organic tea Gift Set KUMA Brooch x KUMA organic tea Gift Set

Gift Box

The product comes in a classy gift box, which makes it ideal for gifting or using it as a nest for the butterfly to keep it safe and sound!

KUMA Brooch x KUMA organic tea Gift Set

KUMA Brooch x KUMA organic tea Gift Set

Gift Sets

Translation missing: en.products.general.regular_price €27.95

We all know that feeling when you give someone a gift from the heart and you can see from the sparkle in their eyes, that you did a good job. 

Choose between the different varieties and mix together a perfect gift set for your loved one!

Gift set includes 1 x KUMA Butterfly Brooch, 1 x KUMA organic tea.

For a final touch, add a handwritten note and you are good to go!


“Hingesoojus” - Ivan Tšai, punaste rukkililleõitega ja roosiõielehtedega

Hingesoojus on värskendava maitsebuketiga tee, mis toidab hinge justkui südamest-südamesse jutuajamine kalli inimesega. Rahvasuu teab rääkida, et maailma vanima joogina tuntud Ivan tšai ehk põdrakanep aitab 99 häda vastu. Kaunite roosiõielehtede ja punaste rukkililleõitega maitsestatud tee sobib eriti hästi nautimiseks koos naistega. Kutsu külla endale armas naine, olgu selleks Sinu ema, õde, sõbranna, vanaema ning lase tervendaval põdrakanepil ja õrnadel lilleõitel täita tuba naiseliku väega.

"Soe kallistus" - Külmkuivatatud vaarikad, piparmünt

Värske ja puhta maitsega KUMA piparmündi tee on rahustava toimega just nagu kallima kehasoojus peale pikka päeva. Piparmündi värskust tasakaalustab külmkuivatatud vaarikas, mis annab teele sama magusa noodi nagu see hetk une- ja pärismaailma piirimail kui hakkad unne suikuma. Ideaalne nautimiseks koos armsamaga hilistel õhtutundidel, et maandada end päeva pingetest ning valmistada keha ja vaim ette magamaminekuks.


Within Estonia:
Domestic orders are shipped via Smarpost parcel service.
Average shipping time for all orders within Estonia is up to 3 working days. During holidays the shipping times may vary (please contact us if you have time sensitive requests).
All Estonian orders under 60 euros will be charged a €2.50 shipping fee. Orders over 60 euros are shipped FREE.

Non-European orders:
Non-EU orders are shipped in a secure envelope via Omniva mail service with tracking and delivery confirmation. Additional import, customs, and sales taxes may be added separately in accordance with your state or country's specific requirements.
All non-EU orders will be charged a standard €5.95 shipping fee. 

Gift Box

The product comes in a classy gift box, which makes it ideal for gifting or using it as a nest for the butterfly to keep it safe and sound!

KUMA Brooch x KUMA organic tea Gift Set