5 back to school life and style hacks
As the start of the school year is fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about the new life schedule, exam sessions and of course - back to school outfits! Today, we have a little list of life and style tips for you that in addition to helping you stand out will also help you to save time in the mornings and money, when buying new stuff for the school year.

Tip no 1 - Choose wisely!

Instead of buying a bunch of new skirts, blouses, trousers and dresses in different style and colour, focus on buying a few quality staple pieces, that will last and that you can mix and match. Don’t worry about wearing the same outfits all the time, because with the right fashion accessories you can spice up your outfit and change the vibe of your look in a heartbeat! Remember - details are the game changers!

If you have already worn your KUMA butterfly brooch on every place you can think of, then here’s a little list of quirky places, where your butterfly probably hasn’t landed yet:

1. Our wristbands can easily be changed into chokers...to stand out even more, add a butterfly and your sense of style will turn heads.


2. Love Headbands? So do our butterflies!


3. Is your school bag packed and ready to go?


4. Braids and simple hairstyles are a must for long school days!


5. Staying warm is just as important as being stylish!


6. The headphones are on, the world is off?


Tip no 2 - What time is it? It’s time to dream!

School days can be long and tiring. Although, it’s important to be on time to the class, it’s also important to have little daily reminders that each day, you are getting closer to your dreams. The school bell will always be there to tell you, when it’s time to go to the class, so instead of wearing a watch every day, wear a butterfly clock! That way, each time you check the time, you will be reminded to slow down and that your dreams are around the corner, you just have to fly and catch them! The awesome perk (if we do say so ourselves) of our vegan leather wristband is that you can alter it to your taste - to add some attitude to your outlook wear it with a butterfly brooch that best describes you or wear it without the butterfly brooch for a more simple look. What’s more - our wristbands come in two different colour combinations: black-grey and baby pink-beige, so it’s up to you which side you want to wear on that day.

Tip no 3 - Feel good!

As school days can be long, the key to powering through your day is to feel comfortable. For that, we suggest to make sure that the materials you surround yourself with are natural and don’t create any static electricity around you, that will make you feel drained and tired at the end of the day. Our T-shirt made of organic cotton is a good example of how style can come with comfort. Want to know what it feels like to get a hug all day long? Wear our Inspired by nature T-shirt for a day and experience it on your own skin!

Tip no 4 - Create the right study environment

For a successful school year, you will need the right environment for studying. So clean up your space and fill it with things that inspire you and remind you of your big goals in life. It can be anything - an inspirational quote, a picture of someone you look up to or aspire to become etc. If you are a dreamer at heart and love butterflies, then add some positive vibes to your space with our lifestyle prints or use our butterfly brooches as room decorations, when you are not wearing them.

Tip no 5 - Your vibe attracts your tribe!

Surviving through the school year is much more difficult, when you don’t have the right people besides you. But have you ever thought about why some people instantly grab your attention and you just click with them in a heartbeat? It’s all about the energy we are spreading around! Attract the right people into your life by wearing our energy necklace. They are also powerful little helpers, when it comes to stressful exam sessions.
There you go! These are 5 of the main tips we have for you on how to make this a successful new school year. But what’s the most important - don’t forget to have fun. But also don’t assume that life is always fun on its own, without you putting in some effort. You are the creator of your life, so it’s up to you to sprinkle some magic into your life!
Carpe diem!