Let’s get ready for 2018!

Once again, it’s time to take a step back, before we all take the first step towards the year of 2018. We are big believers in letting go of the old and moving forward, but sometimes we need to sort out the past first before we can set our aims and dive into the future. So, today we are going to give you some tips and ideas, how to say goodbye to 2017 and greet 2018 with open arms to make sure you get the best out of your new year as well as the new year eve party.

Appreciate the highlights of your previous year!

Before the celebrations start, think about the year that is soon leaving us and try to figure out what were the highlights of the year. Bear in mind, that highlights don’t always have to be positive. As much as we would like to live with pink sunglasses on, life is not all sunshine and rainbows. There are also moments in our lives that cause thunderstorms and dark periods filled with rain and windy weather. So, be honest and accept things as they are.

If you find it hard to deal with some of the more negative aspects, then a little thing we like to keep in mind, is that you would never know the meaning of light if there would be no dark - it’s the opposite of something that gives that “something” its real meaning. So, change your perspective and be grateful for all the positive and negative lessons you had, because, in the end, they were just the lessons you needed to learn to move forward on your own road.

Plan your adventures for the coming year.

Now it’s time to open the book of 2018. Before the year really gets going we suggest you think about your goals for the new year. That way the new year will have a direction before it even starts. If you are not that sure in what direction you should move, but you know that you need a little restart and a change of direction in your life, then one simple way to do so, is to bring new energies into your life.

This can mean a variety of things - from starting a new hobby to reorganising your home - only you know the answer what is right for you. However, if you feel like you need some support in going through these changes, then let the semi-precious stones that hold the power of the Earth help you.

You can either create a little altar for your stones or wear them on a daily basis to get the maximum benefits. Our Energy necklace collection was created just for that purpose and is a stylish way to help corporate good energies into your everyday life.

Focus on your New Year's Eve party!

Time to think about your party outfit! One of the most glamorous and sparkly nights of the year is almost here! Although it’s nice to treat yourself to a new party dress or an outfit, it is also nice to save your money after the hectic Christmas month that might have left its mark on your wallet (it sure happened to us).

Instead, why not spice up something you love and already have in your wardrobe. One simple way to do this is with a statement fashion accessory! Sometimes all you need to feel like the best version of yourself is a pair of new earrings or a necklace.

Be smart and let your sense of style lead you to the New Year! If you’re having trouble figuring out how to style some of our best pieces, or you’re just craving for some new ideas and inspiration then check out our Instagram.

Show gratitude for the New Year!

Be grateful - show gratitude to those, who made the passing year a bit brighter and a bit lighter for you. A simple thank you is sometimes all a person needs to feel that he or she is valued. Of course, a lovely thank-you-gift makes the statement even more memorable. If you have a woman in your life, that you want to surprise and make her feel like the beautiful woman she is than speak the language of symbols! Butterflies have always been the symbol of femininity and beauty. Choose the pair of wings that reminds you the gift receiver and help her spread her wings to take off and fly!

Don’t let life happen to you - but in a little effort and notice the details, because the small things make up our lives. That is the wisdom we want you to have when you say hello to 2018. Have a fabulous New year’s eve party - shine in your own unique way, dance until the morning and let your laughter be the tune for the evening!